Today’s Podcast

Episode 363

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 Episode 363

Mariana is a mixed traditional and alternative health care professional specializing in pre-, perinatal, and early childhood health areas. In her work with parents, babies and their families Mariana focuses on the period from preconception to 7 years of age. Born in Portugal, Mariana has lived on 3 continents, in 4 countries, and in 3 US states. She is MD, has a Masters in Clinical Psychology, specializing in Pre-, Perinatal and Early Childhood Psychology. Both degree from Lisbon.

 Prior to moving to the US, she worked as an occupational health MD, and also as an energetic healer and regression therapist.

Mariana did an internship with a Hospital Mental Health department for Early Childhood as a clinical psychologist and also conducted leading-edge Heart Rate Variability research in Fetal Psychology at the OBGYN department of Hospital in Lisbon.

After going through her own miscarriage she decided to study midwifery, graduating from Maternidad La Luz in El Paso, working mostly with families from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. She witnessed the significant effects of maternal emotional states on pregnancies, labor, birth, and early baby care. Mariana saw firsthand that a more relaxed, joyful, and rooted emotional state for Mom and family consistently leads to significantly improved perinatal outcomes.

 Since 2017, Mariana has chosen to focus her practice, using her extensive educational and clinical experience, in the development of techniques and tools for health care professionals to support the goal of leaving better children for the planet


Blessed with a wonderful family life, Mariana enjoyed the relationship with her brother who was 7 years older and played a lot of sports.  She traveled around and by the time she was 18, she had already lived in Lisbon and Rawanda and Luxenburg

When she was 11 years old, she told her father that she wanted to be a psychologist.  She loved kids and thought this  was a field that she could work with people and children. Her father told her that if she did become a psychologist she would be either be out of work or  working with numbers, neither of which interested her as she wanted to work with kids.  She wound up going to medical school because she thought she would become a  becoming a psychiatrist.

Birth Without Violence:

When she was 14 years old, She read –  Birth without violence, by Frederick Leboyer, M.D. and fell in love with it.  This was her first exposure to how birth affects our babies.  She learned that a gentle birth with low lighting and quiet atmosphere can help the newborn ease the transition from womb to world without trauma or fear. She was quite influenced by his work as she really began to altough she was still thinking of going to medical school

This led her to have many conversations with her mother about her birth.  She was born just about the time when they allowed Dads to be in the birth room. Her father was not in the room when her older brother was born.  However, by the time she was born fathers were now starting to be in the birth room.  Her father has expressed that he changed a lot after this birth.His relationship with others and how he viewed the world really changed after this experience.

Her mother said that she wanted to breastfeed, which she did.   She did have some challenges with breastfeeding and eventually discontinued once she returned to work when Mariana was 4 months old.

Being a student midwife:

What kind of common stresses did she notice that pregnant moms were under – 

Pregnant moms go under all the usual stress factors that the average person goes through, plus she has added the stress of concern about another being, she is coming again into motherhood.  During pregnancy there is a tendency for all old wounds and previous abuse to rise to the surface.  Body image like anorexia, bulimia can come into play when they are pregnant.  Their body is changing and they have little control over the baby growing.  They also have concerns about the health of their baby, the pain of birth and how are they going to deal with the birth. The realization that they have little control, which tends to make them anxious.

She observes for any signs that the pregnant mom is expressing tension – shoulders up, how they express themselves about birth and labor and fears and expectation.  When working with moms, they discuss various situations and what they would look like.  For example: what if they need a cesarean section.  If they did, what choices would they make.  She also works with art and asks moms to write or draw and these free expression can indicate any conscious fears.  She really pays attention to what moms might not even be aware of, so she can open up a discussion about these issues. Lack of control can create a lot of fear.  How do they feel about not being in control.  Some are okay with this and others do not do well if they feel they are not in control.

Her work as a midwife:

The babies environment is what is mom is experiencing. 

Mariana talks about how the moms stress hormones cross the placenta and goes to the baby.  This is a good thing for normal every day stress and is actually quite helpful during the labor process.  When mom is feeling  high stressed and unsafe there is less oxytocin in the placenta and this can create a reaction in babies body that will be more defensive towards survival.  One of the manifestations that can have is tight muscles, tight jaw or tight tongue.

Moms who breastfeed

Mom is anxious or nervous or feeling insecure gong to have a bigger difficulty to settle with her baby.   When we are nervous we move more and baby will have a harder time feeling safe and getting a good latch.

Body expression is very tense, baby is not going to feel safe and tense up which affects bf.

Some areas of body become painful or nerve compression and affect muscles involved in bf.

Babies need for their moms to feel calm and safe so they can feel safe too.

Babies and crying:

There is nothing more heartbreaking to parents then to hear their babies cry.  There are different types of cry  They have emotional reactions to things that happen to them. – hunger, diaper change, not pleased with something, i got scared and was startled.  Babies are in constant connection with their moms inside and part of someone and then where is that person.  I am not inside her anymore that can be very intense.  There are a lot of different babies with different personalities who have preferences and we need to respect each one as an individual on wh at they need to be taken care of.

Your Online Breastfeeding Class

Learn how to breastfeed – Be comfortable.  Be confident.

The learning continues well beyond the average breastfeeding basics class that is 60-90 minutes. In this class, we have over 15 hours of audio lessons, combined with many hours of videos to help support what you are learning. We cover breastfeeding and medication safety, what to do if your baby does not latch on, common breastfeeding challenges, tongue tie, premature babies, building a good supply, returning to work and pumping. Take a look at the list below and follow the link to the class page so you can see more specifics of what is covered. I want to ensure that we got you covered and that you have great support well beyond the newborn days.

  • Using your pregnancy time to prepare for breastfeeding
  • Tips on how to prepare your home for a newborn
  • Specific details about the first 24 hours after birth.
  • Exactly what to expect the first two weeks after birth
  • What can you do if your baby is not latching on
  • Common and not so common breastfeeding challenges
  • What you can expect over the next few months
  • Returning to work as a breastfeeding/pumping mom
  • Pumping and storing your milk
  • When to begin pumping and building your freezer stash
  • How to make a smooth transition to postpartum life
  • Lessons dedicated to partners and breastfeeding knowledge.
  • Breastfeeding and the 1 year old
  • Breastfeeding the toddler and beyond
  • Tandem nursing
  • Breastfeeding through a pregnancy
  • Medication and mother’s milk
  • Weaning

Once you register for the class, you have immediate access to:

  • Audio Lessons
  • Videos
  • Educational handouts
  • Helpful checklists
  • Our “members only” group
  • Weekly group LIVE Q&A sessions

Gain confidence in breastfeeding.

Expert advice from Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC  who has over 25 years of experience in maternal health and lactation. I will help you navigate the ins and outs of breastfeeding.

Listen anywhere and anytime.  Imagine not having to sit in a classroom or stare at a screen.  You can learn all about breastfeeding while going for a walk, driving to work or running errands, traveling on a plane, train or bus.  Because you can download the audios, learning is easy and convenient. Get ready to learn anytime whenever it’s convenient for you and your partner.  You can be cooking dinner together and listening to the class.  Perhaps relaxing together in the evening in your comfy clothes. You can learn together. Easy access to all class materials.  Your class never expires. You’ll be able to listen and download the materials at your convenience.

You are not alone!

Once you are a student in the breastfeeding class, you have regular access to ongoing support for the whole time you are breastfeeding. You can have your questions answered by Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC, in our private group as well as our weekly live Q & A sessions. Just check out the Bonuses below to see how I provide you with ongoing support..

Exclusive Bonus #1

Immediate access to a private group for class students only. I will be answering your questions 5 days a week.

Exclusive Bonus  #2

Invitation to join our weekly Q & A session with Lori and other students.

Exclusive Bonus #3

Need additional help? *25% discount off a private consult – for students only.
*If you are in the Phoenix metro area. use this link to schedule your Office or Home lactation consult.

*If you are out of the area, use this link to schedule a Skype call

Do you have a question about the class before you purchase?  Send it to –

Register for the Breastfeeding class


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Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC

Lori j Isenstadt, IBCLCLori Jill Isenstadt, IBCLC is a huge breastfeeding supporter.  She has spent much  of her adult life working in the maternal health field. Once she became turned on to birth and became a childbirth educator, there was no stopping her love of working with families during their childbearing years.  Lori became a Birth doula and a Postpartum doula and soon became a lactation consultant.  She has been helping moms and babies with breastfeeding for over 25 years.  Lori founded her private practice, All About Breastfeeding where she meets with moms one on one to help solve their breastfeeding challenges.  She is an international speaker, book author and the host of the  popular itunes podcast, All About Breastfeeding, the place where the girls hang out.  You can reach Lori by email at: [email protected] or contact her via her website:

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