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“If your baby breastfeeds really well, whatever that  means, and if your baby sleeps a certain length of time, you can then end up as  feeling as a parent like you have nailed it. I’m super woman here.  I’ve got it all figured out.  And yet the mom who is really struggling and  breastfeeding has been really difficult, and she has persevered and she has lot’s of support, it’s difficult to feel like we have nailed it if it is not easy.  We definitely still have a lot to do with helping parents understand that finding things hard and finding things challenging, does not mean that it’s broken.  It does not mean that we need to stop it or change it or replace it with something else.  It just means that we need to find a different way of finding a solution a different support system.”

Her Story.

Her Background:

Lyndsey is an experienced Paediatric Nurse, Health Visitor, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Holistic Sleep Coach and Birth Trauma Recovery Practitioner, with almost 20 years experience working with infants, children and families in hospitals, clinics, and the community.

Lyndsey runs a busy practice offering one-to-one specialist breastfeeding, bottle feeding, sleep, eating, behavior and parenting support to families in the UK and Internationally, as well as an online training program for health and child care professionals. She is the author of Holistic Sleep Coaching and respected speaker, trainer and mentor. She is also hosting the Holistic Sleep Conference on March 9th and 10th. It is being held in London, but don’t worry if you cannot attend in person as you do have a chance to attend via Live Stream. Stay tuned and at the end of this show we will talk more about the conference as Lyndsey will tell us who is speaking and what they will be covering.

Her breastfeeding experience:

Lyndsey was determined to breastfeed. She states that she felt there was no other way to feed her baby. This was her feeding choice, which she says has no bearing on the decision that other parents might make about how they feed their baby.

She breastfed her first baby until she self weaned at the age of 3 years old – having her final breastfeed on her 3rd birthday, which makes it that much more special to Lyndsey.

She describes her first baby as being very alert, lots of fun and a great personality, however, she was a pretty difficult sleeper. Lyndsey describes fears associated with not having enough milk. This led her to make extreme breastfeeding/pumping decisions and now recognizes that this probably made breastfeeding much more difficult than it needed to be. Once she started training to become an IBCLC, she quickly realized that her breastfeeding and pumping behavior caused a major oversupply of milk, which tends to make breastfeeding more difficult. There is a silver lining to her overstuffed freezer – she donated her milk so other babies could benefit from human milk.

In hindsight, Lyndsey realizes that having had 4 miscarriages and then having pre-eclampsia with her oldest, this led to her not trusting her body. She now realized that she could have trusted her baby, but did not do that either. These are very normal and common responses.

Breastfeeding her second baby:

Her second baby was so mellow compared to her first baby. She would just be hanging out, very chill, eyes open, and okay to wait for be fed. Her name means blissfully happy, which describes her quite well. She was easy to feed, easy to read. Of course, Lyndsey recognizes that this was a second baby, she was more confident, and she was an IBCLC at this point.

She never pumped, never gave her a bottle. Her daughter was still plump, so was eating and gaining well, but she did not have a massive oversupply and therefore did not have all the reflux symptoms and none of the same problems with breastfeeding she experienced with her first.

When she was 3 1/2 years old, Lyndsey was feeling quite ready for her to be weaned. As life happens, she is grateful that she kept breastfeeding because she was diagnosed with leukemia. She became very sick, very quickly, but she kept breastfeeding throughout a majority of her chemotherapy treatment. Her daughter is almost d one with 26 months of therapy and Lyndsey is very grateful that her daughter continued to be interested in breastfeeding. She did not get the mouth ulcers they were pretty much promised to get. Even when she was not that hungry and lost some weight, she continued breastfeeding. Lyndsey feels this is directly responsible for her avoiding the need for an NG tube for nutrition.

Lyndsey feels that breastfeeding her baby through cancer treatment made her feel good about the fact that this was something special that she could do for her. In addition to provided additional opportunity for her to cuddle her and provide mother care, she liked to believe her breastmilk provided additional health protection for her daughter as she went through her cancer treatment.

Let’s talk about babies and sleep:

Her big spoiler – All children eventually wind up sleeping through the night.

Lyndsey is really passionate about sleep because it seems we either promote breastfeeding and attachment and responsiveness or we prioritize sleep,,,,, and there is nothing in the middle. That is fine if you have lots of support and the emotional internal resilience and people around you who can carry you along. If you can just relax and let your baby grow up however they are going to grow up

All children sleep eventually! Some take a bit longer, but they all eventually get there.

Her big spoiler – All children eventually wind up sleeping through the night.

If you have got tools to just get through it and maintain the responsive parenting behavior such as bed sharing, follow all the safe sleep guidelines, that is fine.

Lyndsey is fine with just letting babies be. She also believes: ” if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Some parents are just looking for reassurance that they are fine.

Some parents just need some validation for what they are doing. It is normal. It is working for you. It may not be okay for others, but if you are okay with it, perhaps there are some tips I can offer to help moms get some more rest.

Some additional topics we discuss during our interview are:
1. What advise does she tell parents who want to have their baby sleeping through the night?
2. what to look for in a sleep coach
3  what their training is? what courses they have taken?
4  Many still advise controlled crying – you need to ask them to be sure.
5. All the wonderful speakers who will be presenting at the conference

Her contact info:
Facebook: @LyndseyHookway @holisticsleepcoach
Twitter: @FeedSleepBond
Instagram: @holisticsleepcoachingprogram
Email: lyndseyhookway@gmail.com

Your Online Breastfeeding Class

Learn how to breastfeed – Be comfortable.  Be confident.

Register today
This class begins with “need to know” information that begins well before your birth.  You will learn specific information on how to prepare for breastfeeding a newborn.   This comprehensive class covers all the details of the basics of breastfeeding such as – what you need to know for the very first 24 hours of breastfeeding, the first 4 days, the first week, 2 weeks, the first month and well beyond the first 6 months.  Learning about breastfeeding once your baby begins teething and starts solid foods and gets those first teeth, oh my!
Some more topics you will be learning about in this breastfeeding class.  I want to ensure that we got you covered and that you have great support well beyond the newborn days.

    • Using your pregnancy time to prepare for breastfeeding
    • Tips on how to prepare your home for a newborn
    • Specific details about the first 24 hours after birth.
    • Exactly what to expect the first two weeks after birth
    • What can you do if your baby is not latching on
    • Common and not so common breastfeeding challenges
    • What you can expect over the next few months
    • Returning to work as a breastfeeding/pumping mom
    • Pumping and storing your milk
    • When to begin pumping and building your freezer stash
    • How to make a smooth transition to postpartum life
    • Lessons dedicated to partners and breastfeeding knowledge.
    • Breastfeeding and the 1 year old
    • Breastfeeding the toddler and beyond
    • Tandem nursing
    • Breastfeeding through a pregnancy
    • Medication and mother’s milk
    • Weaning
    • So much more…..

Once you register for the class, you have immediate access to:

  • Audio Lessons
  • Videos
  • Educational handouts
  • Helpful checklists
  • Our “members only” group
  • Weekly group LIVE Q&A sessions

Gain confidence in breastfeeding
* LIsten anywhere and anytime.  Imagine not having to sit in a classroom or stare at a screen.  You can learn all about breastfeeding while going for a walk, driving to work or running errands, traveling on a plane, train or bus.  Because you can download the audios, learning is easy and convenient.

Attend the class anytime  Get ready to learn anytime it’s convenient for you and your partner.  You can be cooking dinner together and listening to the class.  Perhaps relaxing together in the evening, you can learn together.

Easy access to all class materials  Your class never expires. You’ll be able to listen and download the materials at your convenience.

Expert advice from Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC  With over 25 years of experience in maternal health and lactation, I can help you navigate the ins and outs of breastfeeding.  Once you are at home with a newborn, you will not be alone as you have our Facebook group.  Once you return to work, you are not alone and you are given many tips on preparing to return to work.  Pumping and storing and bottlefeeding tips are given, along with handouts that will make planning for returning to work less stressful for you.
My goal as an IBCLC is to give you all the support you will need.  As a student of this class you get these bonuses…

Exclusive Bonus #1 –
Immediate access to a private group for class students only. I will be answering your questions 5 days a week.

Exclusive Bonus  #2 – access to virtual meetups
This your opportunity to meet with me and other students once a week on a live video conference call.

Register for the Breastfeeding class
Need one on one help?
BONUS #3 – 25% discount of price of private consult – For students of this class only.
If you are in the Phoenix metro area you can schedule to meet at my home office or  conveniently in your home. If you are out of the area you can schedule a Skype call
Do you have a question about the class before you purchase?  Send it to –

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Subscribe on itunes the All About Breastfeeding show HERE:

Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC

Lori j Isenstadt, IBCLCLori Jill Isenstadt, IBCLC is a huge breastfeeding supporter.  She has spent much  of her adult life working in the maternal health field. Once she became turned on to birth and became a childbirth educator, there was no stopping her love of working with families during their childbearing years.  Lori became a Birth doula and a Postpartum doula and soon became a lactation consultant.  She has been helping moms and babies with breastfeeding for over 25 years.  Lori founded her private practice, All About Breastfeeding where she meets with moms one on one to help solve their breastfeeding challenges.  She is an international speaker, book author and the host of the  popular itunes podcast, All About Breastfeeding, the place where the girls hang out.  You can reach Lori by email at: aabreastfeeding@hotmail.com or contact her via her website:  allaboutbreastfeeding.biz/contact

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