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 If you are a fairly new listener, I would like for you to know that I appreciate your spending time here with me learning all about breastfeeding. I wanted to let you know and a remind all my listeners that  I have an easy way for you to find the show notes for each episode I record.  The  Show Notes is where I place  any references to links, websites, resources  that I mention during my shows.  For example,  I will be mentioning several references during todays show and all you need to do is go to – allaboutbreastfeeding.biz/podcast and search for Episode # 329, click that on and there will be the show notes.

A little plug and a little plea –  I have a saying that goes like this:  Don’t let AAB be your best kept secret, please take a moment to share this show with any moms you know whether they be pregnant and due soon or enjoying the blessings of being a mom.  The podcast page that I just mentioned – allaboutbreastfeeding.biz/podcast serves as double duty as you can click an icon under each show which lets you share it easily.  That’s the plug!  Now the plea –  Don’t worry,  I am not asking you for any money for these shows that I produce all for free.  I am though, asking for about 3 minutes of your time.  Go into your podcast app and  subscribe to the show, I  then I need for you to leave a review.  Without spending my own money to advertise this show, I need other ways to spread the word.  The A #1 way to do so is to increase subscribers and reviews.  Think about how much reviews influence your decision to listen to a podcast. Leaving a review doesn’t cost you a penny, and can be very helpful to the listener who can’t decide.  so I hope you will heed this plea and take a few minutes to do so.  Thanks for being great supporters of the AA.

Today we are going to continue our conversation on things that Moms worry about when it comes to breastfeeding.  So far we have covered worries about:

Not making enough milk
Nursing in Public
Can you breastfeeding while taking certain medications
You worry if breastfeeding is going to hurt
Will you feel tied down as a breastfeeding mother
Worry if your partner will bond with your baby if you are the one always feeding them.

All legitimate worries for which I hope I have put aside your fears and replaced them with action steps you can take to avoid getting bogged down with worry.  In our show today, I am going to talk about a very, very common worry moms have.  This particular worry does not usually kick in until after you have had your baby and are beginning to think about one of the next transitions in a working and breastfeeding/pumping mom.  It usually happens at some point in your pumping/storing/ preparedness.  A pump part gets lost or breaks and you all of a sudden realize, what if this happens when you are at work.  Your office is an hour away from home and you realized you forgot your pump or perhaps you have the pump but the flanges are sitting on the counter where you last put them to dry.  I have had moms call me up in a panic about these issues or when a pump is all of a sudden not working.  Electric breastpumps are just like any other appliance or technology equipment.  They break from time to time… and usually without warning. Moms usually don’t think about this,,, until it happens to them.  Not you. because you are listening to this show and are going to be prepared for this possibility.

This show is for everyone who needs a Plan “B”

Hand Expression or Manual Expression is one way to remove the milk from the breast.  It is a great skill for all mother’s to learn as, honestly, you never know when you will need to know this.

I am going to mention and elaborate on some of the most common reasons or circumstances you might find yourself in desperate need of having a Plan B – No matter what life circumstances you find yourself in, you need to be self-reliant and not fully pendent on electric or manual pumps.  When the situation calls for it –

Hand Expression is the way to go!

Let’s talk about some circumstances you might find yourself in that you will be glad you learned about Hand expression.

The first 24 hours after birth it is hard to extract milk with an pump.  The volume of colostrum is typically just a spoonful or two, which is quite normal.  This precious fluid tends to get “lost” in the parts of an electric pump.  Hand Expression proves to be more efficient.

The reliable pump you have been using, is no longer reliable.  Perhaps the battery has died or the motor will not work. No power to use and your are bursting at the seams.

Perhaps you cannot get your hands on your reliable pump.  You left it at home.  It got lost with your baggage. You have just made the long drive home from hospital where your baby is in the NICU.  You spent most of the day there and  soon after coming home you realized you forgot your pump in the NICU

One or more of the parts to the pump has broken, cracked, has a hole in it.

The manual pump you have been using does not work anymore or a part broke.

You find yourself in a natural disaster where you cannot use a pump. Given what has gone on in the world today with hurricanes, tornados, fires and mudslides , severe snowstorms- situations that are no longer far and few between.  Statistically speaking, there is a fair percentage of my listening audience who will find themselves in natural disaster where this skill will be very useful.

Natural disaster or broken parts aside, perhaps for you, All the pumps you have tried really hurt your breast or nipple and possibly causing tissue damage.  Until you can get help with figuring out what is going on, you do not have to worry about your supply.  You can remove the milk on a regular basis with hand expression.

You just find yourself not letting down to any pumps. This happens to a small percentage of moms. Sometimes it is just a temporary thing.  Hand expression will help.

Some moms find themselves in a position from time to time, where you day is just so crazy, You cannot get away from work for 25 minutes to use your electric pump – but you can steal away 10 minutes/no pump to hand express.

As you can see, there are many different circumstances that you might find yourself in when you cannot use your electric pump that you have become quite reliant.

Benefits of learning Hand Expression:

You are empowered to be able to remove the milk no matter what circumstances you find yourself in.  If your baby is not breastfeeding well, particularly in the early days, studies show that hand expressing after pumping can help increase your output.  

Compromised production is three times more common in mothers of preterm vs. term infants. For this reason, I frequently counsel moms who give birth early to begin hand expressing on the very first day.

You can quietly remove the milk anytime and anywhere and you can do this quite discreetly.

You do not have to sit with engorged breasts waiting until you can get to your electric pump. Over the years, I have had my fair share of moms who I have given instructions on H/E over the phone while they are away at work and without their pump or with a broken pump.   I have also counseled moms who have come down with engorgement or mastitis because they spend too much time away from their baby or the pump. They felt their breasts become harder and harder as they had planned on getting home much sooner.  They just are so attached to their pump as the only way to remove the milk, they did not consider hand expressing.  Once this happens just once, they learn to carry around a fit in your pocketbook handpump or use hand expression.

Knowing you can remove milk yourself, helps build confidence in yourself as a breastfeeding mother.

Tips for Hand Expression:

I encourage you to experiment yourself. I also will have a link to a great video on hand expression in the show notes.  You can reach this by going to:  aabreastfeeding.com  Go to the podcast page and click on Episode #329 and the info will be right there.

1.When learning, you may do best if you can do this in privacy without eyes watching over you.

2.During the learning phase, mother’s seem to do best when they take the time to gently massage their breast before expressing.

3.During the learning phase, mother’s seem to do best when their hands are warm to the touch.

4,Do not be too attached to the volume expressed, particularly the first few times you try this.  

It can also take a few practice sessions until you get a good rhythm going, hand and finger placement also takes a bit to figure out.  This will be different for each mom.

Dr.Jane Morton, MD  CI Professor of Pediatrics at  Standford Pediatrics
Wrote an article of the AAP New, the official news magazine of the AAP, titled:  Is use of breast pumps out of hand? Mothers who use ‘hands-on’ technique see increase in milk production

In her research, she found that milk production in pump-dependent mothers of preterm babies depended on the frequency of hand expression in the first 3 days after delivery. This is such important information that I really want to get out there.  The incidence of premature births are on the rise and babies who are born early are just that much more vulnerable and need their moms milk.

Mothers found consistent increase in production when they did not rely on pump suction alone.

Here is a link to the article quoted:  http://www.breastmilksolutions.com/images/aap_news.pdf

Dr. Jane Morton has provided an excellent videos of hand expression on her website which I will also place a link to in the show notes.   You will see a copy of this video below. http://med.stanford.edu/newborns/professional-education/breastfeeding/hand-expressing-milk.html

In the videos, you will learn how hand expression can be started right after giving birth.  Learning hand expression will also come in handy as it can help relieve engorgement, soften your breasts and make it easier for milk to flow if you are having a problem with let down. Hand expression will also be helpful to relieve clogged ducts.

In the first video:  How to Express Breastmilk –

After the first few days and when you have fuller breasts, hand expression can help to relieve engorgement, soften your breasts and make it easier to flow if you are having a problem with let down.  Removing the milk after your baby is done breastfeeding can help you collect additional milk.  It helps to express into a wide lipped container so you capture all the sprays.  

In the second video:  

This video shows hand massage and hand expression when a mom is full, engorged, has clogged ducts.  We are also reminded that this technique is a FREE way to remove the milk.  This video shows a different technique of using a third finger to help remove the milk.  It is helpful to try different ways until you find the method that works the best for you. You will also hear the author suggesting the use of olive oil as a comfort measure to massage into your breasts if you are dealing with a clogged duct or engorgement.  

Third video:  Melanie Scholz – Creator of The Breastbowl.

Melanie Scholz was a guest on The All About Breastfeeding Show.  She was such a pleasure to hang out with as she has a wonderful sense of humor. At the time, she was newly pregnant with her second baby, and she had an 18 month old daughter.  During this interview, Melanie tells us the story of how she came to create the breastbowl.  which is a glass  bowl specifically designed for hand expression of breastmilk. I have one that sits on the shelf in my office.  It is a beautiful piece of art which many moms I know have used it during a consult when I teach them how to hand express.  Mel now has 2 children and is the proud owner of her newest creation the Lactibowl.  You will also see a video of Melanie creating the Breastbowl.  If you do order one from her, please tell her that Lori with All About Breastfeeding sent you!  She will be delighted.  Since my initial show with Mel, she now has 2 children and has created the Lactiblow.  This is a Unique bowl for hand expression of breast milk. made from !00% food safe silicone, which is non-toxic and BPA free.  I like this option because it is easy to take with you on the go.

Learn more about Mel by listening to Episode # 76 where Mel shares with us her story on how she came about developing the original glass breastbowl.  What was her motivation and how did she set about teaching herself how to make this product.

It is always preferable to have a baby that is breastfeeding well removing the milk.  I often say that your breasts are the milk making machine and your baby is the driver of this milk making machine.  A baby comes to the breast with a good deep latch and provides just the right amount of stimulation, in just the right places, with just the right sucking rhythmic compression.  We all know that while this is preferable it is not always possible.  Learn hand expression and you will never have to worry about a lost or broken pump.  You will never have to worry about becoming engorged if you miss a breastfeeding or pumping session.  You have all the power you need right in your hands!

Thanks for hanging out with me today and don’t forget to check the show notes out for the resources I discussed in todays show.

Until the next show, bye bye

AAP article:

Hand Expression Video:



Podcast  #76


Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC

Lori j Isenstadt, IBCLCLori Jill Isenstadt, IBCLC is a huge breastfeeding supporter.  She has spent much  of her adult life working in the maternal health field. Once she became turned on to birth and became a childbirth educator, there was no stopping her love of working with families during their childbearing years.  Lori became a Birth doula and a Postpartum doula and soon became a lactation consultant.  She has been helping moms and babies with breastfeeding for over 25 years.  Lori founded her private practice, All About Breastfeeding where she meets with moms one on one to help solve their breastfeeding challenges.  She is an international speaker, book author and the host of the  popular itunes podcast, All About Breastfeeding, the place where the girls hang out.  You can reach Lori by email at: [email protected] or contact her via her website:  allaboutbreastfeeding.biz/contact

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