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 Episode 52     Breastfeeding and weddings

Your sister got engaged a year ago. And the whole family was so excited. While you were planning her engagement party and her bridal shower, you also could not help yourself but to daydream about her wedding. You have been married for 10 years, your sister Heather is 5 years older than you & the family was almost giving up hope that she would find that special person, and now she has. This is what you have been waiting for.

You are now 6 months away from the wedding. You have had many, many discussions with your sister about all the plans she has had for her wedding. There are relatives you have not seen since your wedding and the excitement is building. But then, there is a bombshell. Your sister is on the phone complaining to you about her conversation with a cousin of yours. This cousin was telling your sister how excited she was to come to the wedding, to see all the friends and family and finally have the opportunity to introduce her kids to all these aunts and uncles and second cousins, they have only seen in pictures.

The phone call had been long and you were about to get off the phone, but since your sister seemed so distraught, you pop the baby in your wrap and pop her on your boob so you can listen and empathize with your sister. As you were manipulating the baby and the wrap, you are beginning to realize that you must have missed part of this conversation because as you came back fully to the conversation, you hear your sister say something along the lines of…. How she is not going to let snotty, crying babies ruin her wedding.

You let her talk for a few more minutes as she complained about not only this cousin, but also friends of hers, who she is now realizing, are assuming that their children will be invited to the wedding. You couldn’t help but ask your sister if telling no to some, but yes to others is not going to be awkward for her? And Heather said, well no. She is not having any babies or kids of any age at her wedding so there is nothing awkward about it.

As you nursed your little one and patted her bum while she hung out in the wrap you innocently said: Well, what are you going to say to them when they see Hayden with me? I can’t very well hide her.

And this, right here, at this very moment, was one of those sister Life changing moment that you just know you will never forget. Your ears burn as you hear Heather say : You are not going to tell me that you assumed that Hayden was invited to? Please don’t tell me you are making the same assumption these other blanket blanks are?

listen to the full interview here.

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