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 Episode 007  Lori Jill Isenstadt IBCLC  The Fourth Trimester and New Motherhood

Lori worked Full time for quite a few years before becoming pregnant with her first baby. She was very excited for her baby to be born and really looked forward to the time she should be staying home with her baby during her maternity leave.  Lori is quite crafty and loves to cook, however, working Full time did not allow her to spend time becoming really good at a few of the crafts that she was teaching herself.  She had several projects that were long and drawn out and other projects she was  aching to start.  Lori assumed that there would be plenty of time to work on these, during her babies nap time.  She worked right up to the day of her due date.  It took another 3 full weeks for Alisha to be born and during that time she took care of all loose ends and was truly ready for this birth.  Alisha was born on June 27th and discharged from the hospital when she was 3 days old.  Lori talks about the first few weeks postpartum and how the death of her beloved grandmother during this time impacted her postpartum experience.

Quote –  How could I be happy that I gave birth to this beuatiful healthy baby girl, when my whole family was devastated at this most heartfelt loss.

Lesson learned: You can prepare all you want, but there will still be some things you cannot control, or could you have conceived of happening.

Confessions of a Breastfeeding Mother:   Breastfeeding amidst a tragedy selfishly gives you a good reason to keep your baby close to you

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