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Welcome to the place where you can easily access TONS of FREE Breastfeeding information and GAIN valuable insight on best tips, how-to’s and “ need to know” about all things breastfeeding related.Please enjoy this All About Breastfeeding podcast with Julia Hall

Listen now to our breastfeeding podcasts to hear mothers share their breastfeeding stories. Hear interviews with well known authors pediatricians, midwives, doulas and others who eagerly share their knowledge.

Julia Hall:

“I was so immersed in my profession at that point that having a baby really knocked me off my feet.”

Julia Hall

Episode 008      Julia F.R. Hall, JD: Julia Hall shares her stories of being a new mother and how “sisters” helped her get through the early days of mothering.


 Her Story.

Julia Hall grew up in a family with one brother.  She really had no idea what she wanted to do as a career when she grew up.  She did always know that she wanted to be a Mom.  She decided to take on the challenge of law school and this is what she did before opening up the birth center.  Julia is the Executive Director  of Babymoon Inn, which is a free standing birth center in Phoenix, Arizona.  Her first breastfeeding experience was really hard and quite painful.  She did get through it and it worked out.  With her other 3 children breastfeeding went fairly easy and she was grateful for this. Julia Hall talks about how she practices child led weaning. As the Owner of Babymoon Inn a free standing birthing center in Phoenix, AZ, she has the pleasure of meeting and working with hundreds of families who take the tour of the birthing center and decide to received midwifery care and plan on a birth at the Center.  Julia shares times when she has witnessed breastfeeding mothers respond to calls to action of offering their pumped milk and donating it to moms in need.  She shares with us all the services that the birthing center provides to the community, which include classes for birth all the way through postpartum, as well as fun classes for moms and babies.

Links   Learn more about Babymoon Inn = Learn more about Birthing Centers

Lesson learned: Get out there and find your group of sisters.  Find that support group, find other mothers who are going through this very intense period of life. that they are walking through it along with you.  It is such a vulnerable time and such a beautiful time to build community to build long lasting relationships.  Get out of the house and go find your  people.

Tales from the breast:  My toddler has named my breasts strawberry and raspberry and he calls them strawberry and raspberry and he says this is what it tastes like too.   My second son told me it tasted like chocolate.

Tales from the breast:  My toddler has named my breasts strawberry and raspberry and he calls them strawberry and raspberry and he says this is what it tastes like too.   My second son told me it tasted like chocolate.

Words of Wisdom to the new mother: This doesn’t last forever and really it goes by so fast.  I use to hate when people use to say that to me because it felt so  intense in the moment, but looking back now, it does go so fast.  Nothing is permanent, things are constantly changing and whatever hard stage you are in now, it is not going to last forever.

Offer:Julia Hall has offered   15% off childbirth classes and a free Herb bath Soak.  Just say your heard about Babymoon Inn from the All About Breastfeeding show.

Contact info:602-314-7755  to schedule a tour   For birth center tours go to the calendar on  tour schedule on our calendar.


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