Today’s Podcast

Episode 406

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On I am going to break down today’s show, into several show. I am going to talk have a Part 1 which will focus on the basics of gradual weaning, whether it be parent or baby led and Part 2 – I am going to go into more detail about gradual weaning, plus share some of my personal with teething and weaning. In Part 3, I am going to share some personal breastfeeding stories of my own and in doing so will talk about my personal experiences in weaning each one of my three kids. I talk about how my families concerns about how I could possibly breastfeed a baby who is teething… led to my obsession with breastfeeding a baby who is teething.

By sharing some of my personal experiences, you will gain insight as to why I wanted to become an IBCLC and why I feel that being an IBCLC is such an important job. I am blessed to be part of a professional community – one hat I am proud to be a part of and one that I take seriously and as many of you know I also take with a heavy does of humor also. I know for sure, that being able to laugh at myself and the antics around me is a matter of survival for all things breastfeeding and mothering related. I will than share with you information about weaning from a professional point of view because this is what I do as an IBCLC.

As many of you know, my mission in hosting this show is to help normalize breastfeeding, all around the world. I love helping parents prepare for breastfeeding during their pregnancy. I love providing my breastfeeding class to help you learn all about breastfeeding. However, my love of moms/babies and breastfeeding does not stop there. Weaning is an important part of the breastfeeding process and one that should not be ignored.

I am glad that you are learning about breastfeeding from this podcast and I hope that as you become more comfortable with my voice and what I have to share, that you will take your learning to the next level and choose to take my breastfeeding class. It beats out any local class that you can take and it is yours as soon as you sign up for it. All the feedback I receive from moms who have taken this class is that they realize there is so much more to learn about breastfeeding than a 1-2 hour class can teach them. Many have said that they did not realize it at the time, but once they had their baby, it became crystal clear to them how much they did not learn. I call those classes a “one and done.” I use to teach classes like that and realized they were just a teeny, tiny bit helpful. You take the class and that’s that. Where is your ongoing support for all the months that you are breastfeeding. Which was my motivation for creating the absolute best breastfeeding class for you and you can easily get it online.

Check out: to join us. I truly do look forward to you joining our private group and to get to know you better as we interact with each other during the class and in our weekly meetups. Curious to know more details: go to: aabreastfeeding.combreastfeedingclass for all the info and find out how I can help you prepare for breastfeeding. If you have any questions that are not answered about the class, feel free to shoot me an email at: and I will be happy to respond within 24 hours to all your questions.

So often weaning is talked about as being a hard stop in your breastfeeding relationship. This makes it seem to be more about loss or a detachment from your baby. I like to think of weaning as being a passage from one relationship with your baby to evolving into another kind of relationship with your baby. I know we have many seasons in our mothering and weaning is just another Season.

In order to include all moms, dads and partners in this weaning discussion, you will frequently hear me refer to parents rather than each individual person. Since our kiddos breastfeed for several weeks, months and years, you will hear me refer to our kiddos as babies or toddlers or child or children. Since a complete weaning discussion could easily take 5 hours as the subject as a whole is quite broad, I am going to focus on the gradual weaning process that happens over a longer period of time, rather than talk about abrupt weaning which is usually something that happens over a very short period of time, as in hours or days.

There are a few things that you may not know about weaning because it is often not talked about. One fact is that the weaning process, which can take days, weeks, months and years, actually begins with the first introduction of foods other than breast milk. Yes, many people are surprised to find out that once their daily diet changes from an all breast milk diet to adding other foods – this begins the weaning process.

The other fact that I would like to mention is that so often the assumption is made that it is only mothers who are actively putting their baby to the breast/chest for feedings, for milk transfer. When they are reducing the time and frequency of feeds, we consider this weaning. While this is true, there are also women who are using other methods to remove the milk, either hand expression or pumping. They also go through the weaning process.

They have been removing the milk for their biological child or an adopted baby, or perhaps they were a surrogate and pumped for a baby that they carried for intended parents. They can be a donor mom and removing milk for donation and there milk is going to a milk bank or perhaps directly to another baby. At some point, they decide to wean and they also will go through a process that needs to be met with information and support.

Throughout this show, when I describe weaning, please know that I mean this is happening from both direct breastfeeding and from alternative ways such as hand expression or pumping, as a way of removing the milk.

When weaning gradually, it is said to be: Parent led or Baby led

Parent led is where the mother purposefully begins to eliminate or reduce the amount of times and minutes a day or night that she breastfeeds or pumps. There are many variations of parent led weaning.There can be daytime only weaning, in which the parent decides to gradually eliminate feedings or pumpings between 8 am and 10 pm and let the baby do his or her normal thing throughout the night and early morning.

There can be night time only weaning, in which the parent decided to gradually eliminate feedings or pumpings between 10pm and 8am. In the case of parent led weaning, mom is deciding when and where and for how long she breastfeeds or pumps. She has a plan and is following it with the goal in mind of being fully weaned by a specific date or approximate time period.

Baby led weaning is when your baby or toddler gradually, and on their own begin to go longer in between feeding times and spend less time feeding. Some babies just get super darn busy and active during the daytime and lose interest in breastfeeding any of the hours they are fully awake. They kind of fall into a pattern of nursing to sleep, nursing a time or two in the middle of the night and are eager to nurse first thing in the morning. After that, there is no way at all, no matter how hard their moms try, that they can get their babies to sit for even a few minutes to nurse during the daytime/active hours. This mom/baby pair may have these routine going on for many, many months, before the baby gradually begins to drop the late and middle of the night feeds.

Be prepared for your baby to seem like they are fully weaned and than 2 days or 5 days later, come back to the breast again. I find that when a baby shows not interest in breastfeeding for a couple of weeks, typically they are done and just don’t come back to it. There are no hard and fast rules around the weaning journey and this is important for everyone to recognize this.

I have witnessed up close and personal, moms of twins and how different the weaning process was for the twins as it all did not happen exactly the same. In one instance, the process for each baby was like night and day. One mom in particular had a really rough time with her twins in the early days of breastfeeding. Her daughter breastfed until she was 14 months and then over a period of a short time, as in weeks, weaned herself. Now her son, he continued nursing until he was almost 3. This mom had 2 other kids and she did not seem to really mind, however, she did pump for quite a few months so she could mix her breast milk in with the babies foods, like cereals and yogurt and veggies and fruit smoothies and puddings. If your baby weans earlier than you had wanted, and you would like to continue them having your milk, usually for health purposes, you can keep up your supply with pumping as long as you like and continue giving your baby your milk by adding it to other foods just like this mom with twins did.

If you are getting my drift, there are lots of variables when talking about weaning – who is weaning, how they are weaning and how long the process takes. You can already tell that this is my code word for: It is best to be as flexible as you can when it comes to weaning.

Your Online Breastfeeding Class

Learn how to breastfeed – Be comfortable.  Be confident.

The learning continues well beyond the average breastfeeding basics class that is 60-90 minutes. In this class, we have over 15 hours of audio lessons, combined with many hours of videos to help support what you are learning. We cover breastfeeding and medication safety, what to do if your baby does not latch on, common breastfeeding challenges, tongue tie, premature babies, building a good supply, returning to work and pumping. Take a look at the list below and follow the link to the class page so you can see more specifics of what is covered. I want to ensure that we got you covered and that you have great support well beyond the newborn days.

  • Using your pregnancy time to prepare for breastfeeding
  • Tips on how to prepare your home for a newborn
  • Specific details about the first 24 hours after birth.
  • Exactly what to expect the first two weeks after birth
  • What can you do if your baby is not latching on
  • Common and not so common breastfeeding challenges
  • What you can expect over the next few months
  • Returning to work as a breastfeeding/pumping mom
  • Pumping and storing your milk
  • When to begin pumping and building your freezer stash
  • How to make a smooth transition to postpartum life
  • Lessons dedicated to partners and breastfeeding knowledge.
  • Breastfeeding and the 1 year old
  • Breastfeeding the toddler and beyond
  • Tandem nursing
  • Breastfeeding through a pregnancy
  • Medication and mother’s milk
  • Weaning

Once you register for the class, you have immediate access to:

  • Audio Lessons
  • Videos
  • Educational handouts
  • Helpful checklists
  • Our “members only” group
  • Weekly group LIVE Q&A sessions


Gain confidence in breastfeeding.

Expert advice from Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC  who has over 25 years of experience in maternal health and lactation. I will help you navigate the ins and outs of breastfeeding.

Listen anywhere and anytime.  Imagine not having to sit in a classroom or stare at a screen.  You can learn all about breastfeeding while going for a walk, driving to work or running errands, traveling on a plane, train or bus.  Because you can download the audios, learning is easy and convenient. Get ready to learn anytime whenever it’s convenient for you and your partner.  You can be cooking dinner together and listening to the class.  Perhaps relaxing together in the evening in your comfy clothes. You can learn together. Easy access to all class materials.  Your class never expires. You’ll be able to listen and download the materials at your convenience.

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Once you are a student in the breastfeeding class, you have regular access to ongoing support for the whole time you are breastfeeding. You can have your questions answered by Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC, in our private group as well as our weekly live Q & A sessions. Just check out the Bonuses below to see how I provide you with ongoing support..

Exclusive Bonus #1

Immediate access to a private group for class students only. I will be answering your questions 5 days a week.

Exclusive Bonus  #2

Invitation to join our weekly Q & A session with Lori and other students.

Exclusive Bonus #3

Need additional help? *25% discount off a private consult – for students only.
*If you are in the Phoenix metro area. use this link to schedule your Office or Home lactation consult.

*If you are out of the area, use this link to schedule a Skype call

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Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC

Lori j Isenstadt, IBCLCLori Jill Isenstadt, IBCLC is a huge breastfeeding supporter.  She has spent much  of her adult life working in the maternal health field. Once she became turned on to birth and became a childbirth educator, there was no stopping her love of working with families during their childbearing years.  Lori became a Birth doula and a Postpartum doula and soon became a lactation consultant.  She has been helping moms and babies with breastfeeding for over 25 years.  Lori founded her private practice, All About Breastfeeding where she meets with moms one on one to help solve their breastfeeding challenges.  She is an international speaker, book author and the host of the  popular itunes podcast, All About Breastfeeding, the place where the girls hang out.  You can reach Lori by email at: or contact her via her website:
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